Kevin Kimemia

Kevin Kimemia wakes up with excitement, knowing that what he'll learn today is something that he is interested in and that he will use every day in his nursing career. He feels driven to learn more and understand all that he is doing now because his future patients will depend on him. Kevin is happy because he’s doing what he wants to do and feel like he has a true purpose now.

However, it wasn’t always so easy for Kevin to get to this point, and he took a nontraditional path to nursing school. He first started college on a different campus, further from home. He was a pre-nursing major, but admits that he gave into all the temptations that college life had to offer. Often first-year students struggle to succeed because they are overwhelmed by too much freedom, a lack of structure, and for Kevin, playing too many video games!

After an unsuccessful first year at college, Kevin decided to move back home and try pre-nursing at IU Indianapolis. Unfortunately, to get accepted into the nursing program, Kevin was going to have to retake almost all of his classes. He met with a Health and Life Sciences Advising Center student success advisor who informed him of an alternative path to nursing, the accelerated nursing program.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Accelerated Second Degree track is designed for students who have earned a bachelor's degree in a non-nursing field and want to pursue a nursing career. Kevin was encouraged to explore his other interests and different aspects of what he wants to do in the future. He had always wanted to do something in health care, and he even had the idea of being an administrator in a hospital someday.

When you’re chasing a dream or a goal, you’ve got to stay focused on it.